Eating Policy
Teaching children to be healthy eaters
Eat Together!
We’re all busy! Many people often eat standing up in the kitchen or in front of the television. The single most important thing you can do to foster healthy attitudes about food in your children is sitting down and eating with them! Discuss the foods (how it tastes and smells, where it comes from, why it is good for us, etc). Create mealtimes that are happy, meals that involve conversation and laughter. Keep your mealtimes free of stressful nagging, criticism, or arguments.
Be a Good Role Model
Children learn from adult examples. Let children help in the kitchen. They can tear lettuce for a salad, wash veggies, learn to set the table, etc. Involving them in the process of preparation makes them have a connection to the foods they eat. Some of the most important habits to model and do:
- Eat Breakfast – Children are more attentive and learn more efficiently.
- Eat Your Vegetables/Fruits- Let your children see you eating and enjoying vegetables and fruits.
- Eat Healthy Snacks- Forego the chips, candy bars, cookies, sugar; provide fun and healthy snacks. Fresh, dried or frozen fruits, vegetable sticks, nuts, popcorn, fresh juice smoothies, juice pops, etc.
- Farmer’s Market/Supermarket- Take them with you and show them the variety of colors in produce and foods, let them choose some foods to take and try at home.
- Grow a Garden- Children are fascinated by watching seeds turn into plants. Take a simple flower pot by a kitchen window and grow herbs and vegetables.
Offer Healthy Foods
Let Children Decide How Much to Eat
Remember that children are smaller and need much smaller portions. Children’s food intake will vary as their growth speeds up and slows down in growth spurts. Some days they may seem to eat very little, but they will make up for it by eating more the next day or the day after. Pay special attention to their lunches; find out what they enjoy and what they are leaving behind. Allowing children to decide when they want more and when they have had enough, teaches them to recognize inner cues of hunger and (fullness).