A Typical Day at Rhio's Casa
Children enter our school, past colorful flowers, through the door to their awaiting teachers who offer a gentle hello handshake and a warm welcoming smile! It’s time for three hugs and three kisses from their parent for a smooth transition before starting their Montessori day! Time to wash our hands!
Montessorians call this time, the Work Period. Children have the freedom of choice to pursue their own learning in a well-organized and meaningful environment. This is the most important part of the child’s day, for this is the time they have the opportunity to truly transform themselves through their own efforts. No one can learn for them and their desire to do for themselves is the thrust needed to embark on new discoveries. This process can not be hurried nor can the child. We have created for them a peaceful, relaxed atmosphere to unfold their potentialities at their own rate.
What fun to come together to share knowledge, express thoughts and ideas and to learn what it means to be part of a social group! The class calendar is updated by the helper of the day, roll is taken, and children learn interesting real facts about their fabulous world. Grace and Courtesy is integral to our school, which is introduced by role playing situations. Once again the tone is one of thoughtful interaction and a calm prevails due to meaningful content provided by teachers. Singing and poetry abound for a joyous moment.
Outdoor Play
Now it is time to go outside to run, climb, pretend, water flowers or play in the sandbox! It’s the time to share, perform on the stage, swing or just daydream in the fort. It’s fun to look through the fence to check Palin Creek for birds in the many trees. Activities change depending on weather and time of year. So many fun activities to do before lunch or going home.
Lunch Time
It’s time to eat lunch with our friends. Children wash their hands, set out their lunches on cloth napkins (one for their lap), then they cross their hearts for a moment of silence and then eat a healthy lunch from home. After they eat, they tidy up their area, wash their faces before going home!